

AD&D/1e: Dragon's Foot's First Edition AD&D Character Generator
Has several state generation options. Requires some selections during process (e.g., gender, race, and class). Does not pre-generate spell or equipment lists.

AD&D2: Molly World's AD&D Character Generator
Has several stat generation options. Requires some selections during process (e.g., race/class). Does not pre-generate spell or equipment lists.

BX: Dizzy Dragon's BX Character Generator
Generates characters to pre-set parameters, including class and level. Generates equipment, spells, and personality.

LL: Trulucent's Labyrinth Lord Character Generator
An LL version of Dizzy's BX Generator.

S&W: Mighty Cthulhu's Swords & Wizardry Character Generator
Step-by-step walkthrough based on randomly-generated stats. Whitebox and Quick Start ruleset options.


Mithral Mage's LL Spell Book / Known Spells Generator
Selects a list of spells, ordered by level for a specified class and level.